Bulletin Board
> 1. Purchase of mim 3 bikes everyday is mandatory 2. Avg Sale of small show room need to be 3k and medium 6k and big showrooms avg of 10k per day no zero sale days will allowed 3. Purchase 60% vehicles need to be 17/18/19/20 and 40% to be 14/15/16 not old then that 4. Quality of bike will be key factor for healthy sale so I need every bike to be look as new one so i need bike pic with complete details(price tags.vehical appearence ect )from all branches 5. whatsapp/face book base need to be incresed at big number for coming months {nov.dec.jan.feb}Olx and whatsapp pic posting will be the executive major responsibility manager need to track it ( Jul 10 2020 )

congratulations team skota

congratulations team koyalagudam

Not Available
congratulations team vijayanagaram
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